Welcome the the Registration Page for the MARS Warrior Challenge! Please read carefully before registering so that you understand your registration options. Must be 18 years old to compete. For a complete list of rules visit this page: MARS Warrior Challenge Rules

It is important to note the Division you enter for.

Pricing is based on the number of division you enter to complete.
You can enter 3 or more for just $100!

The Divisions are:

NOVICE – Knife
NOVICE – Sword
These divisions are for FIRST TIME competitors! If you have never competed in a tournament, this is a great place to start. The honor system is appreciated here!

OPEN – Knife
OPEN – Sword
These divisions are open to competitors of all ages and genders.

This division is for competitors of age 40 and above only.

TEAM – Knife
TEAM- Sword
These divisions are for 3 people only. You can enter with your school or friends or build a team on the spot of other interested competitors! The Subdivisions of each division are:

16 inch padded blade style knife. Protective equipment required.

30 inch padded blade style sword. Protective equipment required.

There are great discounts on entering multiple divisions!

If you register NOVICE division, you may NOT register for the OPEN division. All other divisions are allowed, if eligible.

If you register for the OPEN Division, you may NOT register for the NOVICE Division. All other divisions are allowed, if eligible.

$50.00 – 1 Division
$75.00 – 2 Divisions
$100.00 – 3 Divisions or more (Best Value!)

Division Pricing